Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Southern Pilgrimage

I had a thought.  I was sitting between my best friend and my sister on St. Patrick's Day, under St. Patrick’s window at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Savannah, GA, when I suddenly felt inspired. As the deacon was preaching I found myself distracted by the beauty of this old church.
I began to think about the different parishes in our diocese and the priest, people, stories, and history that make them up.  As I looked around Sacred Heart, I wondered what the other churches looked liked. Obviously this church was very different from my, relatively newly built parish, St. Joseph's.  I wanted to see them; All of them. What an adventure!  
 So, right there, On St. Patrick’s day, under St. Patrick's window, I decided to visit all the churches in our diocese. How hard can it be? Well, regardless, It's a project and I love projects. It's my year of faith project. Time to get started on this Southern Pilgrimage.  

**The Diocese of Savannah comprises 90 counties in South Georgia. It covers 37,038 square miles. Catholics number 77,287. There are 55 parishes, with a total of 24 missions and mission stations.** 
St. Patrick's window, Sacred Heart. Savannah, Georgia.